
Thursday, August 25, 2011

File 1: I'm Here!

Here are some things about Chicago:
Its name comes from a Native American word meaning “wild garlic.”
It has 552 parks.
It’s known for pizza, gangsters, and Harry Caray.
It is awesome.

Here are some things about me:
I don’t eat bananas.
I’m going to be in school for the rest of my life because there are too many things to learn.
I got most of that stuff about Chicago from Wikipedia.
I’m awesome sometimes.

Anyway, I just moved to this city and fully expect to be inspired and weirded out by it, both at the same time.  Like today, I rode the train down (up?) to the Loop, and the water in the river was so sparkly and pretty (someday I’ll know which river it was—Chicago?  Calumet?), and later I saw this old lady walk out in the street and stand patiently in the middle of traffic until she could get all the way across, and I was like…all of this is normal.
That lady had guts, I’ll tell you what.
I don’t ever want Chicago to be entirely normal to me though, so this blog is just intended to capture the fact that I am in love with the city and totally naïve about it.  OMG, I can’t figure out the trains!  How romantic!
Just kidding, that part is super annoying. 
But the sun on the river is still romantic. 
And so is this place:

That’s the Chicago Public Library, if you can’t tell.  I know I kind of caught too much sun in that photo.
More to come later, y’all.

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