
Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to Know You are Uuuuuuber Lame

So tonight I walked down to this little store on my street that sells paper and cards and crafty supplies, so I could pick out a card for my daddy's 50th birthday.  I got a card and walked up to the counter to pay for it.

The guy ringing me up was about my age, hipster-ish, very cute in the way that dogs and small children are cute.  He was friendly.  "You going out tonight?" he asked.

And I laughed and said, "THIS is my going out."

And he said, "Yeah, if I didn't have a birthday party to go to tonight, I'd be at home by myself, drinking wine."

And I thought, "Mmm.  Sounds like my kind of guy."

Clearly, I am a real winner.

The end.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Best Thing Ever: #45

I have not blogged in a while because I have been busy.
Busy using this:
(Yes, I know the bit is crooked.  It's not like I tried to use it that way.  Sheesh.)

To hang a curtain rod, so that I could hang these:

Which I made myself, with like, thread and everything.
My temporary job becomes permanent next week, which means I get a full hour for lunch every day along with benefits, so a power drill seemed like a wise present to myself.
A power drill is the best thing ever.  It makes holes, and loud noises, and it looks like a narwhal.
And when you've been trying to drill holes in drywall using a battery-operated screwdriver because you thought THAT was what a power drill was, a power drill suddenly seems like the answer to every prayer.
Look out, because I have a weapon and I sort of know how to use it. 
Hint: that toggle switch that power drills have?  That’s so you can switch between drilling and pulling the drill bit out of the wall.  You know, forward and then reverse.
It is NOT a handy-dandy switch you can throw depending on whether you’re left-handed or right-handed.
Only a leftie would ever think that.  Oh well.