
Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to Know You are Uuuuuuber Lame

So tonight I walked down to this little store on my street that sells paper and cards and crafty supplies, so I could pick out a card for my daddy's 50th birthday.  I got a card and walked up to the counter to pay for it.

The guy ringing me up was about my age, hipster-ish, very cute in the way that dogs and small children are cute.  He was friendly.  "You going out tonight?" he asked.

And I laughed and said, "THIS is my going out."

And he said, "Yeah, if I didn't have a birthday party to go to tonight, I'd be at home by myself, drinking wine."

And I thought, "Mmm.  Sounds like my kind of guy."

Clearly, I am a real winner.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. hey girl, you will find your wine-drinking homebody in no time.
