
Monday, May 7, 2012

The Sister Post

My little sister came to visit me this weekend.

When I say “little sister,” I really do mean it.  My sister never ages beyond eight years old or so, even though, chronologically, she is fully 21 years old and can buy adult beverages.  She’ll never not be my baby sister.

We had the most brilliant time, and the truth is, we didn’t do much that I hadn’t done several times before.  I always take my visitors to Millennium Park, for example.  We shopped at H&M, which I only discovered after I moved here and have never looked back.  We went to the Sears Tower (no, I’m not going to call it Willis Tower) and it was the third time I’d been there since I moved to Chicago.

But it was completely awesome, because I was with the person I’ve grown up with since I was three years old.

I moved out of the house when I was 17.  Since then, visits with my sister have always been in the context of holidays or family get-togethers.  Of course we always spend plenty of time together, but usually in the company of at least one or several other people. 

This time was different.  Just about everything we did, it was just us two.

Here’s a smattering of things we did:

Watched a Cubs game

Ate cinnamon rolls at Ann Sather

Slept in my twin bed for two nights

Watched a movie while sitting all tangled up on the couch

Rode the trains around and around the city

Took pictures and Instagram-ed everything

Talked about everything

Laughed about everything.

Sisters are wonderful things.  Everyone should have one.

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