
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What Windows Do

I owe a lot of the last few weeks of my life to east-facing windows.

Specifically, the east-facing windows in my bedroom.

In the morning, when I wake up at 5:45 to get ready for work, the sun has already risen.  Outside, the birds are chirping.  There’s no sun to watch rise, because it’s already risen.  It might as well be 9:30 on a November morning.

As a result, two things: one, I had to buy one of those eyeshades to keep myself from waking up at 5 on the weekends.  And two, my circadian rhythms are all thrown off, and now my body thinks that it’s always daytime and I should always be awake and I should never be tired.

It’s fantastic.

Something has shifted in me with the advent of a Chicago summer.  I go on dates with boys.  I go out to bars with friends and stay for hours and have more than just one drink.  I let myself stay up past eleven.

I’m not being irresponsible, but I am having fun.  Fun is something of a new concept.

In college, I did well, I made friends, I had a good experience.  But I was almost always the good kid.  Now I’m trying to let myself go a little bit.  So I haven’t been running in over a week.  So what?  I’ve been traveling and socializing, which are healthy in their own ways.  My calluses can be built back up later.  Plus it’s a million degrees outside right now.  So, I don’t have to run, and I don’t have to feel bad about not running.

So what if I only sleep four or five hours a night?  I’m not going to look back on the nights I was out with my friends, laughing, having a ball, and wish I’d gone home a little earlier, slept a little longer.

I spent the first nine months of my time in Chicago going to work, going to class, coming home, and being good.

And I suppose I’m still being good.  But I’m living a little bit more.  I’m less worried about doing everything exactly right.

The life that exhausted me a few months ago seems hopelessly boring to me now.  I want to be outside with a bunch of people, just enjoying things.  Anything.  I’m 24, and have decided that being 24 is the very best age to be.

Thank you, east-facing windows, for giving me a wonderful start to my Chicago summer.

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