
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Chicago Dentistry is Hardcore

I am one of maybe seven or eight people out there who don’t hate going to the dentist.  I never have.  It’s just one of those things, like doing laundry, that (for me) is a more or less tolerable chore where at least you get a fresh, clean reward at the end.

Turns out when you live in a big city and are occasionally lonely, going to the dentist can become quite a pleasant thing.  Someone nice massages your jaw, pokes around in your mouth, and compliments you on your flossing habits.  Win!

Also, turns out that Chicago dentists are really hardcore about what they do.  Seriously, the other day, I thought I was just going in to my new dentist for a routine cleaning.  Instead, here’s what happened:

They took 18 x-rays of my mouth with a bunch of sharp, hurt-y things.

They stuck some instruments in my mouth and said things like “3…2…3…4…3…2…3” for five minutes.

They stuck a camera in my mouth and took fancy snapshots of my teeth.

Then the dentist sat and talked with me about my teeth.  At first, he was like, your teeth are AWESOME!  You are the flossing champion of the world!

And then he was like, oh, but I need to put some fillings in.  Six fillings, to be exact.

I have never had a filling.

The fact that I needed fillings at all was news to me.  But as the dentist showed me, teeth can sometimes be disgusting.  More specifically, teeth are funky-shaped (this is a technical term, look it up, people) and sometimes even the flossing champion of the world can’t reach every nook and cranny.

Not that YOU care, but I have to make myself feel better, okay?
I thought about showing you guys a picture of one of my better teeth, but then I decided that would be disgusting.  You're welcome.

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