
Saturday, September 17, 2011

FYI...and a Question

I have accepted a temporary job at a university in the vicinity of the Chicago area (yes, that’s vague), so my posts might be a little less frequent in the days ahead, and I thought my 3 or 4 total readers ought to know.
Weathered bloggers like this one will tell you that you ought to try to post something every day, to keep the page fresh and alive and growing, and I’ve tried to be pretty good with posting at least every other day or every third day (obviously I haven’t been perfect, but I’m trying). 
That being said, does anyone have any advice for making this thing better? 
I’m not going for world fame or anything, but…I feel like this blog is kind of boring right now and I’m not sure how to improve it.  Maybe once I start having friends and an exciting life, it will get better. 
Til then, though, constructive criticism is welcome!
Thanks and love!

P.S.  The blog I linked you to above is one of my favorite things.  On the same note, I am secretly 40 years old.


  1. I always knew you were 40. I just didn't want to say.

  2. I don't have much advice. just keep posting! you'll hit a groove eventually.
