
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Question of the Day: #71

How are you supposed to respond to “you haven’t changed a bit!”?
I hear people say it a lot, and it always seems awkward.  If you haven’t seen me since I was 16, I would hope that I don’t look 16 anymore.
I guess when you say it to old people, it’s a compliment of sorts, but I think that even if I were old I’d want to have something to show for it.
I would want to know that I had changed a LITTLE bit.  Wouldn’t it be awful to go to your high school reunion and have everyone tell you that you were the exact same as they remembered you?
Do you really want to still be the person you were in HIGH SCHOOL?
On another note, I went to go find Lincoln Park yesterday and it was very worth it, but very exhausting.  On the plus side I will never have to go to the gym here, since I have to walk half a mile just to get to my train station.
I was on the BEACH, people!  Do you hear me?  The BEACH!!!!

This excites me very much.

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