
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Best Thing Ever: #108

(I wrote this yesterday, Monday, but didn't bother posting til today, so just pretend that it's Monday when you're reading this.  I will explain why later.)
The best thing ever is IKEA!
Yesterday was yours truly’s first trip to IKEA, after my bed collapsed (sound familiar?) and I decided I’d rather buy a new one than try to fix the old one and have it collapse again.  So off my roommate and I went.
I’ve been aware of IKEA for maybe 10 years now, but I’d never been inside one before.  Here are the things I knew:
It’s Swedish.
It has decently priced furniture.
It has meatballs.
That’s pretty much it.
So we went inside this HUGE blue-and-yellow building, which smelled like a mixture of lumber and cinnamon, and I fell in love.  I wanted to buy all the beds and all the tables and redecorate my entire apartment.  My roommate felt the same way.
IKEA furniture is so cute and efficient.  I feel like you could have three times as much furniture but somehow everything would still fit and come together, because it’s all so practical.  Everything has a hidden drawer or a clever way of making itself smaller.
We picked up new picture frames for $2 each.  My roommate picked up some necessities (who knew you could get bedding or kitchen supplies at IKEA?  Well, you probably did, but I didn’t) and then we went to fetch my bed and dresser.
We didn’t visit the restaurant, but it smelled divine and there were these appetizing ads for it everywhere.  $2 chocolate cake!  $3 omelet!  Mmm.
The hard part was lugging the boxes into the car and then getting them out of the car when we made it home, but luckily, our neighbor across the alley had big muscles and helped us.  I like muscles when they help me.
I put together the bed in less than an hour, thanks to IKEA’s very friendly instructions manual, and today I’m gonna tackle the chest of drawers. 
PS: It’s nice to have a bed that doesn’t squeak and shriek whenever you make the slightest move.  Bless you, IKEA.  My bed only cost $60, including the slats.  INCLUDING THE SLATS. 

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