
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Okay, life is pretty awesome.

The other night I was helping my boyfriend pick out some new pants in Old Navy downtown, and once he’d selected a few pairs, he came out of the dressing room, took me by the hand, and said, “Come on, Grumpy, let’s get you home.”

I was confused and upset.  How was I being grumpy?  I was FINE!  And I told him so.  “Nah, you’re grumpy for some reason,” he said.  “Come on.  I’ll buy you some chocolate and we’ll go home.”

That, of course, made it worse.  How dare he think that, even if I WAS grumpy, that he could buy back a good mood with CHOCOLATE?  What a jerk!  I refused to let him buy me any chocolate, and after he insisted, I told him I wouldn’t eat it, and after he insisted on that point too, I told him that I might eat it but then I would promptly regurgitate it all back onto him.

Finally he wore me down.  We stopped at Godiva (FINE, WHATEVER) where he bought me a bag of sea salt caramels (FINE, WHATEVER).  Two minutes after I’d eaten one, we were strolling happily down the street, and I was back to my cheery self again.

I hugged my love and apologized.  “I forget that sometimes I can get a little hypoglycemic,” I told him (click here for fun details).  

He just smiled and pointed to himself.  “Guess who doesn’t forget that.”

It’s a good thing when you find someone who occasionally knows you better than you know yourself.  

I like to think that we looked approximately like this.

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