
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ballerina Neurosis

I’ve been getting back to my ballet roots lately by taking adult classes at the Joffrey, which has been fun.  It’s nice to start dancing again and not worry about things like performances, or pointe shoes, or the fact that I don’t have a perfect dance body or very high extensions or perfect turnout.
I can just go and take class and get on with my life, which is perfect.
At least that’s how it is in theory, because the first night of class, I was nervous enough to do this to my fingernail:

I had to very poorly edit this in MS Paint to recapture how much blood there was.  Apologies.  I don't have Photoshop.

Remember that scene from Black Swan?  I considered finding it on YouTube and posting it here, but I just didn’t want to put myself through that part of the movie again. 
I did the same thing yesterday during a job interview.  I had a big bloody hangnail by the end of it.  Luckily there was a big table in between myself and the interviewer, so he couldn’t see how my nerves were being represented on my body.
Oh, and I got the job, so there’s that.  J

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