
Sunday, September 25, 2011

City and Country

Last night I got rid of my futon because the futon frame kept collapsing to the ground and flinging my legs up into the air if I sat on it just the slightest bit wrong.  It was kind of interfering with my sleep, so I banished it from my life and bought a twin size bed from my roommate, one she’d been storing, unassembled, in various parts of the apartment for a while. 
I think we were both happy about this arrangement: I get a bed, she gets to move all the pieces out from behind the couch and out from next to her bed and out of the closet.
So now, thanks to having just a twin size bed that’s on a fairly high frame, I get more space in my teeny tiny little city bedroom and I also get up high off the ground.
This means that I can sit on my bed and look out my window with no trouble at all, and I have a wonderful view of:

the community garden!
I am not allowed in the garden because I am not an old person living in the senior citizen home, but that’s okay, because now I can see it anytime I want from the comfort of my lovely new bed.
And look what I saw this morning!  Can you spot it in this picture taken with my cell phone camera which is less than wonderful quality?

Yes, that is a rabbit.  A big fat tan-colored rabbit that sat in the garden and ate vegetation while I watched and sipped my coffee.
Nature exists in Chicago, and it is cute.
I just wanted you all to be aware.
In other news, I have a great new job that I am just hoping turns into something long-term.  But I have to walk almost a mile from the bus stop to my office building each morning (and back each afternoon), which was starting to make my feet and shins complain. 
So I bought these.  They look professional and dressy but feel like sneakers:

They’re Privos.  This is not an advertisement; I’m just really psyched about my new shoes.
(And excuse my veiny feet up there.  Perpetually pale skin plus years of ballet training does not a pretty foot make.)

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