
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Early-Morning Adventure

Here is what happened this morning:

I got to my bus stop and sat down to wait for the bus. 
A man got off a different bus and sat down on the bench next to me.
He was very close.
He was smiling way too much.
He said hello.
I thought OH NO.
I said hi.
He said what’s your name?
I told him my first name.
He told me his first name.
He said you’re beautiful!!!
I said thank you.
He said you smell good!!!
I said thank you.
He said can I get your phone number?
I said no.
He said oh, cause I thought I could get your phone number.
I said no thank you.
He said you wanna t-shirt?
He showed me his plastic bag full of t-shirts.
I said no thank you.
He said you work down here?
I said mmhmm.
He said you work over there?
He pointed to the American Apparel across the street.
I said no.
He said you’re beautiful!!!
I said thank you.
He said are you Cinderella?
I said no.
He said are you Snow White?
I said no.
We sat in miserable silence for a million years.
He said what bus you waiting for?
I said it doesn’t matter.
He said nah, it doesn’t matter.
My bus came and I fled.
The end.

1 comment:

  1. I love you. this is worse than the dude that tried to get me in his car the other night!
